Saturday, May 14, 2011

La Paz :)

Today we got up and went to breakfast at our hotel which was amaazzzing and I found out I don't like Papya's. After that we took an hour bus ride to La Paz which is a huge waterfall. We were up at 2000 feet altitute which was insane. It wasn't really scary but the bus ride down was interesting haha. We saw everything from jaguars, spiders, sloths, butterflies, and tigers. We hiked down to this amazzzing waterfall which was absoutley insane I've never seen anything like it. I love this group of girls i think we have great girls on this trip! Our host today was Javier who is hilarious and def. sarcastic, he is very funny. I seriously cannot eat any more food holy crap. The food here is amazing though. I loveeee spanish food yummy.  Tomorrow we meet our host families and are going home with them, nervoussss. I missss Bella hahah. This blog is very random todayyy. We are going to dinner at 7 tonight so we have a little bit of free time. I think it's awesome we don't have our phones for a whole month, orrr a lot of time to talk to others, I think it's going to be a humbling experience since my phone is always attached to me. I am hoping to really get my spanish going by the time I get home to america. Costa Rica is def. a different experience. Today Javier was telling us that Costa Rica is very poor, and also that is VERY apparent. We are specifically in Herdia (spelling) and all the providences (or cities) are extremely close to each other. it is extremley small and Javier told us that Costa Rica contains the MOST bio diversity compared to America or even Europe which I thought was so awesome. Also he said Lauren their president is not very efficent and has not made many changes to their country. He said many farmers are having to close down their farms and many people are having trouble keeping jobs. Costa Rica although it's voted one of the happiest places on the earth is also one of the poorest countries. But what's amazing about it's culture is that their priorites are not on wealth and social advancement, which is what the United States focuses on. They are happy and content with what they have. People have so very little and they love it. They focus on family, church, religion, and also the community. I could def. see myself living in a place like this. All I need is my hair dryer and my straightener. PURA VIDAAAAA, it's alllll good.  Adior para ahora.

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